Friday, April 22, 2011


I need Help! I don't know why but I have the hardest time throwing plants away.
Sis.......where are you? Looking at this there are probably just as many leaves on the floor as the plant. But it stays, because I can't seem to throw it away. Somebody help me! (lol)

Saturday, April 16, 2011


A dear friend gave me some vinyl lettering for Christmas. I have never put it up. I have thought of places to put it and then I change my mind. Today was the day I finally put it up.
So when you all come to visit now, my front door will welcome you with open arms and heart.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Spring Love

The one great joy Spring brings in a small town are the babies. Especially the baby lambs. If they would stay like that forever, I'd probably reach over the fence and bring a couple home.

Remember to check out my other blog. . . Move to Win

Sunday, April 3, 2011


The past couple of days I have had to turn on my ceiling fans to keep the house cool. The weather has been so nice. People have been cleaning up their yards. I was able to get out and go for a couple of walks. Spring may have finally got here..........not.I woke up this morning to snow! Today I've got the heater going, not the ceiling fan. What the difference a few hours can make.